Forecast for Hoosier Legally and Physically Available Yield

Prepared by: Stockholm Environment Institute, using the Water Evaluation And Planning system (WEAP)
Forecast date: April 1, 2022


Result Value Units Description Comparison
Forecast Yield 5,941 Acre-feet April through November legally and physically available flows at Hoosier 45.6% of average actual yield (13,025 AF) from 1988-2021
Hoosier Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) 12.4 Inches Observed SWE from SNOTEL site 531 on 4/1/2022 85% of Apr 1 average SWE (14.6 in) from 1981-2021
Cumulative WY Precipitation (Oct 1 2021 to Apr 1, 2022) 13.1 Inches Observed Upper Blue precipitation from gridMET data
WY Annual Precipitation Forecast (Oct 1 2021 to Sep 30 2022) 25.3 Inches WY 2022 annual precipitation, forecast


  1. Forecast Yield for 2022 is 5,941 acre-feet, which is 45.6% of average actual yield (13,025) from 1988-2021

  2. This forecast was made on April 1, 2022
    Data sources:

  3. Forecasts made this year by SEI and WEAP (download CSV)

  4. Forecast Date Forecast
    2/12/2022 5,828 AF
    3/2/2022 6,479 AF
    3/5/2022 7,438 AF
    3/7/2022 7,284 AF
    3/15/2022 6,271 AF
    4/1/2022 5,941 AF

  5. Unconstrained Yields prior to 2022, with current forecast

  6. Unconstrained Blue Yield Historical and Forecast

    Data sources:

  7. Snow Water Equivalent (SWE)

  8. Observed Hoosier SWE on April 1, 2022: 12.4 inches, which is 85% of April 1 average SWE (14.6 in) from 1981-2021

    Modeled and forecasted SWE ("Snow Depth (MWE)") compared to Hoosier SNOTEL site ("Snow Gauge")
    Snow Accumulation vs. Gauge Hoosier 3000 to 3500
    Snow Gauge Hoosier Snow Gauge Hoosier
    Data sources:

  9. Streamflow at Shoshone

  10. Shoshone Gauge Comparison
    Data sources:

  11. Streamflow near Cameo

  12. Cameo Gauge Comparison
    Data sources:

  13. Precipitation for the Water Year (Oct 1 to Sep 30)

  14. Precipitation Upper Blue Precipitation Upper Blue
    Data sources:

  15. Cumulative WY-to-date precipitation (Oct 1 to Apr 1)

  16. Cumulative precipitation from Current Water Year start (Oct 1) to date of forecast (Apr 1); also compared to historical years
    Precipitation Upper Blue Precipitation Upper Blue
    Data sources:

  17. Cumulative precipitation from forecast date to end of WY (Apr 1 to Sep 30)

  18. Precipitation Upper Blue Precipitation Upper Blue
    Data sources:


  1. Use of GridMET climate products
  2. Climate data from GridMET:

    Direct download and processing into WEAP of:
  3. How the climate datasets are assembled

  4. How the WEAP model is run

WEAP Model

Model Name: ColoHeadwaters_02Mar2022 (download model)

References and Links

  1. Forecast streamflows by USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
  2. Snowpack Map
  3. Gridmet Seasonal Forecast Maps
  4. Observed SWE from SNOTEL site 531

Created by WEAP version 2021.0106 on April 1, 2022
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